PPE should be provided by your employer. It includes gloves, CPR shields, masks, gowns, and eye protection.
Know where PPE is at your workplace.
Know what PPE is available and how to use it.
Make sure first-aid kits and emergency supplies include disposable gloves and CPR face shields or rescue masks.
Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics or handle contact lenses in areas where there is the possibility of exposure to BBP.
When emptying trash containers, do not use your hands to compress the trash in the bag.
Lift and carry the trash bag away from your body.
Follow your facility’s procedures for handling laundry General Laundry procedures:
- Wear PPE
- Keep contaminated laundry separate from other laundry
- Bag potentially contaminated laundry where it is used
- Use leak-proof bags for wet laundry
- Transport in properly labeled bags
The Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act requires appropriate, commercially available, and effective safer medical devices designed to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure.
Needles and other sharps must be discarded in rigid, leak-proof, puncture resistance containers.
Do not bend, shear, break or recap needles. If you must recap, use one-handed method.